By: Pastor Johnie Akers
Ecclesiastes 11:4, “He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.” A salesman from a big city became lost on a rural side road, so he stopped to ask directions from a ragged and bare-foot man sitting in front of his dilapidated house. After receiving the information he needed, the salesman asked, “How is your cotton coming on?” “Ain’t got none, replied the farmer. The traveler continued, “Did you plant any?” To this the man responded, “Nope, afraid of boll weevils.” The visitor persisted, “How is your corn doing?” “Didn’t plant none. Afraid there wasn’t goin’ to be any rain.” Undaunted, the stranger made still another inquiry, “How are your potatoes?” Again the reply came, “Ain’t got none; scared o’potato bugs,” Somewhat puzzled, the salesman made one final inquiry, “Really, what did you plant?” The answer was, “Nothin’, I just played it safe.” Wow. What a way to go through life. Instead of enjoying the opportunities God has given us, the old farmer, like so many, was too afraid of failure to try anything. Notice our Scripture lesson today. Solomon makes a very salient observation. He basically says that if we focus on the possibilities of adverse weather patterns, we would never reap a harvest because we would refrain from sowing. Many are so fearful of failure that they never attempt to succeed. They may say, “I would like to continue my education, but I’m afraid I would fail.” Or, “I would love to interview for that new job I saw posted in the newspaper, but I just know someone else will get it.” Or, “I’d like to start my own business, but I’m afraid I can’t succeed.” And on it goes. Living for God is a great adventure. Today, there are untold possibilities for success in your future. With faith and courage, reach out into the unknown. Go where you’ve never gone before. I don’t know all you will find, but I do know one certainty—you will find God there, ready and able to calm your fears, settle your anxiety and make your way prosperous, as you venture into the exciting future that awaits, with this new day.
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